API security

Did you know your APIs are a top target now? Your APIs share your company's most valuable data and they are now a top target for attacks.

APIs are the new way in!

By 2022, API abuses will move from an infrequent to the most-frequent attack vector, resulting in data breaches for enterprise web applications.


As 2022 approaches, this prediction could arguably be counted as “missed” – but only because we underestimated the steep rise in attacks on APIs.


What does API Security do?

Discover all your APIs
Continuously inventory all yourAPIs, including shadow andZombie APIs
Prevent sensitive data exposure
Identify the APIs that are exposing PII or other sensitive data
Stop API attacks
Role at Company
Correlate activity to block attackers during reconnaissance
Prevent ATO,
Data Exfiltration
Thwart credential stuffing, account takeover, and data theft attacks
"Shift Left" with proactive API Security
Test APIs in pre-production to identify and eliminate vulnerabilities
Accelerate incident response
Reduce the time needed to understand and resolve incidents
Provide remediation insights
Share leanings from runtime-analysis with dev teams to harden APIs
Accelerate incident response
Tie your API and sensitive data discovery and vulnerability remediation into GRC workflow

Want to secure your APIs?

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Organizations looking for end-to-end API protection, including automated attack mitigation should look for solutions that allows them to discover their APIs, assess risks and enforce compliance while natively detecting and mitigating automated attacks and vulnerability exploits.

Determining the unknown attack surface - most organizations are unaware of how many shadow, hidden, deprecated, and 3rd-party APIs they have, leaving many unprotected.

Assessing API inventory for risk, using API security testing to ensure compliance with secure API specifications and being able to test APIs before they go live.

Leveraging threat intelligence to quickly detect abuse and natively block the bad activity.

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